UWUA Local 304 Utility Workers Union of America AFL-CIO

Your union has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding with our employer to address the unprecedented and extraordinary challenges presented by the pandemic the corona-virus is wreaking on all Americans.

This agreement benefits our members by providing flexible work schedules and situations to accommodate employees who may have children at home from school closings, or elder care for loved ones.

The M.O.U. also includes Paid Time Off for those who are sick and exemptions concerning contractual “wait days” and a special pay code that unlocks the rest of the advantages offered during this emergency.

It has been made clear to your union that management DOES NOT want employees reporting to work if they are sick, and do their part in stemming the spread of this deadly contagion. An e-mail was sent out by local station management urging ALL employees who work at Harrison to take their own temperature DAILY before reporting to work. If your temperature is 100.4 degrees, or higher, you are asked to stay home, contact your supervisor and primary care physician to begin a possible COVID-19 regimen for your own sake and the sake of your loved ones.

The company and union has agreed to cooperate in protecting each other during this time as we recognize it is going to take a collective effort from all of us to weather this health emergency. We also recognize that we, as Utility Workers, are tasked with the solemn responsibility and duty of keeping the lights on for our customers that allow all the modern mechanisms to work that are involved in treating and curing our fellow citizens.

Please click on ANY of the links above to view the entire Memorandum Of Understanding. Read it, understand it, but most of all DO NOT PANIC! Keep your whits about you, pray for each other, and, as the saying goes, “this too shall pass.”

It is acknowledged with grateful appreciation that this agreement may not have been possible without the cooperation and solidarity of our Brothers and Sisters in other Utility Worker Locals.