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<h2>Links to Labor Related Websites</h2>
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<li><a href=”http://uwua.net”><strong>UWUA:</strong> http://uwua.net</a>
The Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (UWUA) is one of the most successful and progressive unions in all of the labor movement. We have over 50,000 members working in the electric, gas, water, and nuclear industries across the United States.</li>
<li><strong><a href=”http://www.wvaflcio.org/”>West Virginia AFL-CIO: http://www.wvaflcio.org/</a></strong>
The West Virginia AFL-CIO is one of 50 state federations of the national AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations).  We are part of a long and proud tradition, one that has existed since the earliest days of our nation and has worked tirelessly to build a more just society based on social and economic justice, a reverence for human rights and a commitment to the American dream.</li>
<li><strong><a href=”http://aflcio.org”>AFL-CIO: http://alfcio.org</a></strong>
We are the umbrella federation for U.S. unions, with 56 unions representing more than 12 million working men and women. We work to ensure that all people who work receive the rewards of their work—decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, respect and fair treatment. We work to make the voices of working people heard in the White House, on Capitol Hill, in state capitals across the country and in corporate boardrooms.</li>
