Being a Union Is All About Making Things Better

At January's Regular Meeting, we got our first glimpse of the process we have to follow to offer our membership healthcare through our union. The ...

Union Members Legal Recognition

It's easy to sit back and complain and ask what your union dues actually do for you. The answer is even easier; your status as ...

You Against “The MATRIX”!

Working for a multi-billion dollar corporation puts you at an extreme disadvantage if, somewhere along the line, you and the company should have a disagreement ...

Don’t Take What You Have For Granted!

Division has infiltrated almost everything in our lives. Much of the fuel that fires those passions that causes such splits are being carefully manipulated and ...

Biggest Coal Polluter Isn’t Power Plants

Coal has been around forever, and thanks to new technology, better metering, and better scientific and engineering practices, it's cleaner to burn than ever in ...