Management Schemes Part 3 – Putting Together a Plan

Imagine this. The personnel manager calls a meeting with the union committee one day and makes the following announcement: "Because of increased external and internal ...

Management Schemes Part 2 – A Short Glossary of Terms

Every month it seems like there's a new management scheme introduced to the workforce. Like hula hoops, these fads come and go, but some have been ...

West Virginia Workers

Plant Closings (WARN and Warning Signs)

The (few) protections for workers facing plant closings Issues There are not many protections for U.S. workers facing a plant closing. Stewards and union officers ...


Ella Bloor was having a bad day in the food co-op kitchen. Breakfast burritos sold out early, so she had to make more, making her ...

Nobody WANTS a Union!

Nobody wants a union. Seems an odd statement to show up on any Local's website; a bold, declarative statement that kicks open the mind of ...