Workers Standing Together Still Middle Class America’s Best Defense

Tim Paulson is the executive director of the San Francisco Labor Council, and his recent article in SF Gate he outlines what many in unions already know; workers standing together is the last line of defense against an ever increaing income gap caused by corporate greed.

Paulson strings together the picture faced by most working Americans, whether they acknowledge it or not. Read his article and you’ll see it doesn’t matter if you’re union or not, east coast or west, or just struggling to stay middle class. 

Read Tim’s article here



International Union Density

Those who are against unions like to pretend that the labor movement is some homegrown wacko movement that breaks out in a few confined geographical areas of the U.S. that’s usually led by troublemakers.  The truth is that the labor movement is a worldwide struggle fought by workers in almost every developed or developing country. 

You can read the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report on this by clicking here.

(click to enlarge)

tn0804058s-fig03 UnionDensity change in union coverage

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