News from UWUA Local 304
Don’t Take What You Have For Granted!
Division has infiltrated almost everything in our lives. Much of the fuel that fires those passions that causes such splits are being carefully manipulated and fanned into a white hot inferno that destroys families, friendships, churches, as well as erosion to all three branches of our democracy. The same forces ...
Biggest Coal Polluter Isn’t Power Plants
Coal has been around forever, and thanks to new technology, better metering, and better scientific and engineering practices, it's cleaner to burn than ever in our human history. There is one coal user that is totally unregulated and free to burn without ANY of the safegaurds and processes used in ...
Why Veterans Make Lousy Job Candidates
It seems odd, with all the "support our troops" rhetoric, and with the reputation and the well deserved respect our military veterans have garnered, that it would be hard to believe that any veteran would have trouble transitioning into civilian jobs. Many of America's most successful companies got where they ...
Understanding Grievances
For some, the thought of filing a grievance is intimidating. Some of the things members fear are: 1. Appearing disloyal or ungrateful for their job. 2. Painting themselves as a target for retrobution by management. 3. Alienating their immediated supervisor. 4. Unsure of the grievance process. 5. Not sure of ...
When a Member Gets Hurt on the Job
The following is used with permission and UWUA Local 304's grateful appreciation for our union Brothers and Sisters of the the UE ("UE" is the abbreviation for United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, a democratic national union representing some 35,000 workers in a wide variety of manufacturing, public ...